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When being “Brethren” is not really “Brethren”

This group has withdrawn from the Church of the Brethren COB over perceived differences in theology, biblical accountability and interpretation, and lack of accountability towards congregations and individuals concerning select statements, policy, and polity in the COB. What has gotten my stomach turning, however, is the blatant vitriol that I have seen on many sides of this conversation. Some are accusing the CBC of being unethical, others are praising their courage in stepping out. No matter where you are in this conversation, division is here — it is not coming — it is here!

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Эдриан Гренье

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When being “Brethren” is not really “Brethren” - Ephrata Church of the Brethren
Calaméo - Английский язык 8 класс Ваулина
Calaméo - Голденков Михаил - Активный разговорный английский
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